Jul 15, 2018

My poison

There, suddenly, rain! I sat down at the front porch watching it. Smelling it. Listening to it. A warm rain sensed by my sun-warm body. Just sitting there, enjoying the sensation.

It’s a very unusual summer in Sweden. The forecast maps looks like California. All suns! Day after day. And has so been since May. It’s extremely dry and wild fires are occurring all over the country. In fact, historically we’ve never seen this kind of drought in Sweden before. There is a scale 1-5, but we’ve been off the chart since early summer. 

The temperatures now are Seattle-like. In fact, today we are on the spot: 28°C/83°F. That’s really warm for the 64th latitude. To warm for many. Personally I like it, as long as I can keep a cross draft through my house. And drink loads of water. And now and then an Arnold Palmer. 

Then there is the sun. I am worshipping the summer light, as you might know by now. And I am a junkie for the sun.

My body needs the sun and the warmth as a dead car battery needs power. I can literally feel how my body is tanking energy, saving up for the dark and cold ahead. Therefore, I spend as much time as possible in those much appreciated rays.

My weather app has predicting this summer with high accuracy. Pretty much every day spot on. And according to it’s guidance this following week will stay at the same soaring temperatures as this week 26-29°C. The week after some degree cooler (which is still remarkable) and sun. August  18-22° (which a normal summer is quiet satisfying) and some showers coming in.  

Now, this is interesting. I look at the forecasts and I trust them. Intellectually. But my body doesn’t. My body is used to catching every sunbeam possible during a normal summer, because it might be the only one. What if this is the one day/week and I spent it inside! That can’t happen!

So although it’s actually not very comfortable in the hot sun on my west wall in the afternoon I am there when I can. And although I probably shouldn’t. I have removed some basaliom over the years, a couple this week actually. They are not dangerous per say, still, you don’t want them. 

I should avoid the sun. But it’s my poison. I probably need rehab.

PS. I just now feel the smell of smoke through my open windows. It's the first time for me. That makes me worried.

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