They were 8 years
old when they first met, Trouble 1 and Olivia. They spent 4th grade
in the same classroom. They became teenagers and young adults, time passing
giving both of them experiences unusual that early in life, and they didn’t see
each other for about 10 years. Friday the two of them picked me up at SeaTac.
Trouble 1 had been crashing at Olivia’s couch for a couple of nights after
being gently kicked out from our Wallingford friend’s house as they were
preparing for their son’s wedding.
I don’t know that
I even have words for my feelings spotting them at the baggage claim waiting
for me coming wobbling after crossing the Atlantic. Once two little kids shy to each other, at the airport now a beautiful young woman and a
handsome young man both 26 years old, laughing, all comfortable together
catching up after oceans of time and life, having so much fun. Picking up the old mom
this summer afternoon. Adam confidently driving my car (which he by the way has
turned into a dump in just a couple of weeks, yapp, that’s how my first born
treats cars) in the intense Seattle Friday rush hour traffic on the freeway.
Olivia GPS-ing him from her I-phone to my storage to pick up my things. What a
treat guys, what a wonderful treat.
And today there is
the wedding. The Wallingford son Reed (they all went to the same elementary
school, Trouble 1, Trouble 2, Olivia and her sister Becca, Reed and his sister Zoe) is marrying his high school sweet heart. And Trouble 1 is there. He
happens to be in Seattle the summer when his childhood friend and American brother Reed is marrying, he gets to be there for it. He was even chosen for the honorary assignment being the wedding witness together with sister Zoe. It’s coming together. It’s all coming together.
And browsing
Seattle Times Friday paper looking for this weeks goings on my eyes are
recognizing something so familiar I am not even reacting at first. Familiar
faces and familiar names in a local paper. Dennis Lyxén, David Sandström,
Refused. Although showing up in my American local paper. Cause they are on
stage in Seattle this Tuesday. That’s what I always been saying; Seattle and
Umeå punk band Refused would be the absolutely perfect match! It is all
coming together.